Продажа чужого квасного

This post was written by Дискуссионный форум Маханаима on Март 31, 2015
Posted Under: Без рубрики

Из статьи р. Хаима Яхтера.

Rabbanim apply the expanded principle of Zachin MeiAdam in many contexts. For example, most Poskim permit a Rav to sell Chametz on behalf of someone who has authorized the Rav to sell his Chametz if it is not possible to contact him (Piskei Teshuvot O.C. 448:21). For example, a Ba’al Teshuvah who lives in Eretz Yisrael once contacted me before Pesach with the following problem. His non-observant parents had just told him that they had purchased a large quantity of dried oatmeal for them to bring to his children when they would visit soon after Pesach. This poses an enormous problem since it is forbidden to eat or even derive benefit from Chametz SheAvar Alav Et HaPesach (Chametz owned by a Jew during Pesach; Mishnah, Pesachim 2:2). The parents, however, do not sell the Chametz and it would be very uncomfortable to ask his parents to sell their Chametz. My response was to include the oatmeal in my Mechirat Chametz without informing the parents.[3]

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